In the second term MDIA 1205 was first offered the enrollment doubled, and a decision was made to develop an entire series of online courses leading to an Associate Certificate in Web Technologies. In recent terms our first-level courses (now axpanded to MDIA 1205/1206) have exceeded an enrollment of 100 learners. In the Spring Term, 1999, the first course - MDIA 1205 - was offered to test the market. It was in the December of 1998 that the idea of offering online Web design courses at BCIT was first discussed.

Many programs lead to professional certification and some provide course exemptions that allow graduates to write qualifying exams to meet professional designations.īCIT graduates are highly sought after in industry because they bring with them all of the skills that the employer requires. Most of the instructors, especially those in the part-time programs such as the Web Technologies Certificate Programs, are drawn from people who work directly in industry.īCIT offers programs with a variety of levels of certification including certificates, diplomas, and degrees. BCIT has more than 1,600 full-time faculty and staff and 500 part-time faculty and staff. More than 440 BCIT courses are available for study via online distance education and 17% of the part-time students study via distance education. More than 48,000 students are enrolled annually (16,600 full-time, 31,600 part-time). Unlike many colleges and universities, BCIT prides itself on providing learners with skills that allow them to enter the job market directly, without any further on-site training. BCIT’s programs are fully accredited by the Ministry of Advanced Education of the Province of British Columbia, Canada. The mission of BCIT is to build pathways for career success in the global marketplace through teaching excellence and applied education and research. The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) is a public, post-secondary institute incorporated by a special Act of the British Columbia (Canada) Legislature in 1964.

The British Columbia Institute of Technology