လုပ္ေဆာင္ ေပးရန္ လိုအပ္တာေၾကာင္.ၿဖစ္ပါတယ္ဗ်ာ.Įasily ROOT, and flash your phone with Shuame one-click flash ROOT toolĬhinese software company Shuame are developing an English version of their tool to allow international users to easily ROOT and flash their Android phones download Shuame for a direct link - fast and free.įor Android enthusiasts there is nothing more exciting than getting hold of their new Android phone or tablet and hacking it to allow ROOT access and then flashing it to a new custom ROM. etc စတာ ေတြကို အလြယ္တကူ Root လုပ္ေပးနုိင္ၿပီး app package, app management, uninstall preload apps, data backup, data restore, system backup, system restore, recovery mode, fastboot mode ,flash recovery ,root unlock, remove root ,restore factory setting, clear passwords ( Pattern Lock မ်ား အလြယ္ တကူ ဖ်က္ႏိုင္ၿခင္း), restart, HTC unlock tool ,Sony unlock tool, mobile phone experience, Google Apps သြင္းၿခင္း, Adb command-Line, Wifi password view, fonts download (new) စတဲ႕ Feature ေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ား ကို အသံုးၿပဳ ႏိုင္တဲ႕ All in one Root Tool ေလးပါဗ်ာ.